Wednesday, October 16, 2013

TURKEY DAY (gobble gobbling all in sight)

Thanksgiving is my third-favorite holiday, running just behind Christmas/New Year (duh) and my birthday (joke!) Easter. The reason is a mystery -- as a family, we never celebrated T-Gives until I was nearly ten years old, and that was only after I learned about leek soup & Stove Top stuffing in class and basically harassed my mom into replicating the meal -- but I have a few theories.

1. Food smorgasbord! (Dessert included, obviously.)
2. Daylong family time, followed by nightlong TV and/or movie marathon-ing.
3. Fantastic, bright-light-poking-through-rainbow-trees weather.

I bid bonjour to the day by meeting my girl Sam for some early-morning brunching. Yes, we resto-d on Thanksgiving. Yes, I might be a masochist with zero restraint when it comes to stuffing my face. BUT IN MY DEFENSE I only ordered the Délice Santé -- poached eggs and cottage cheese does not a real meal make. No pancakes, no guilt! Wahoo! We drank too much coffee & had a blasty blast. Eventually, I drove home (while quasi-recklessly rocking out to the Gatsby soundtrack), where I was greeted by an old flame: red wine.

The next few hours basically played out as follows. (Dive into this visual display, won't you!)

I know my folks wouldn't appreciate having their photos posted online, so you'll just have to imagine what they look like.

At this point, we began loading our plates and reloading our glasses. Before digging the fuck into our food, a minor wine bottle-related mishap spurred a photo shoot with my sister. Remember the year Diana was shot in a drive-by? I do!

All things (including stained white tops) considered, it was an A+ afternoon. Post-meal, the whole gang crashed in the family room & watched some quality TV. Roxy passed out. (Girl can't handle her vino.)

Hope y'all had an equally tremendous long weekend! Now, time to lose those 10 pounds I just put on. HAHAHA YA RIGHT.

Post-Script: Another reason Thanksgiving is the best? Leftovers.

Confession. When I spend the night at home, my mom packs my next-day lunch in take-out containers she (excitedly) buys from the Dollar Store. ("O Steffy they're so cheap! And you don't have to clean them!")

She also labels them. <3

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